ESG News
ESG News
Elliott UK has now filled the last of its 2020 apprenticeship places

Elliott UK has now filled the last of its 2020 apprenticeship places, meaning we have 10x apprentices starting the first year of their apprenticeship with us this year.
Please join us in congratulating our 8 Electrician Apprentices and 2 Quantity Surveyor Apprentices and wish them the best for their bright future with Elliott.
The new Algeco skills training centre, located at our Saint-Amour assembly site
The new Algeco skills training centre, located at our Saint-Amour assembly site, will start to train colleagues and new joiners from March on a variety of topics, including: assembly, installation, plumbing and electricity.
We will be able to increase our quality on modules delivered and the motivation of our direct employees. We will also be able to recruit people that need a change of career and help long term unemployed people in the community to get back into employment.

Clarissa celebrates a jubilee – 30 years at Algeco
We are very proud of having employees with this long seniority.

Ausco Apprenticeship Program – celebrating “diversity”

Elisabeth recently won the ‘Apprentice of the Year’ award
Elisabeth commenced with Ausco in 2019 as part of our school based Apprentice program (currently completing her Cert. III in Carpentry).
Partnered with external RTO (Australian Industry Group) to assist in the successful management/integration of the program. Elisabeth is based in our Townsville factory (typically a very male dominated field) and is from Aboriginal & Torres Strait Islander decent.
Elliott are delighted to have achieved the coveted GOLD accreditation

Elliott are delighted to have achieved the coveted GOLD accreditation from the Supply Chain Sustainability School.
The school is a fantastic resource which all employees have access to. It can be used business wide for both personal and skill development and helps us move forward with our sustainability agency.
Proud and happy to start in a new year apprentices

We are proud and happy to start in a new year with three ‘dual students’ as well as one apprentice and two (senior) apprentices.
Also, we are very pleased to announce that Vera Rösch (Learning & Development Manager Germany) successfully passed the examination of “training manager” (Chamber of Industry and Commerce) and will therefore overtake this additional role beginning of March 2021. One key aspect of a training manager is to coach and support apprentices and dual students during their time at Algeco. Our main objective is to make of every young talent a success story!
Picture from left to right: Duncan Batton (dual student); Vera Rösch (Learning & Development Manager German | training manager); Tabea Knühl (dual student); Stephane Fouda (dual student); Jil Wiertner (senior apprentice); Lea Litsch (apprentice); Alperen Fazioglu (senior apprentice).