ESG News
ESG News
A modular building dedicated to COVID tests
A modular building dedicated to COVID tests, with doors in front and doors behind, to have only one sense of movement (to avoid people crossing).

“ENSE 2021 sponsorship”: Collaboration, Best practices sharing, Innovation and Customer focus
In order to encourage the collaboration between the 11 countries of our Strategic Business unit, ENSE (Eastern, Northern and Southern Europe), we have launched the project “ENSE 2021 sponsorship” in January.
The teams of the 4 Organizational Business Units (Eastern Europe, Benelux, Italy and Iberia) will sponsor each other. With the support of the central functions, each OBU will advise another OBU and will give 1 to 3 ideas/opportunities to be implemented.
This project is a real opportunity to share best practices, to promote innovation and "thinking out of the box" in order to improve our services to our customers all over Europe.

We have started construction works for a new facility
In January, we have started construction works for a new facility, which will create up to 100 working places in the future. Estimated finishing date is 17.09.2021
In Sweden, we have, during December, had successful Teams sessions with personal introductions across the new team. We have delivered product presentations for each other and also conducted a virtual Christmas gift opening, discussing what each of us are most proud about regarding our efforts in 2020.